Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most diagnosed joint disease in both the human and the animal world. OA is a disease of aging, an extremely painful, progressive degenerative process of synovial joints. It is a multifactorial disease with genetic predisposition along with the personal lifestyle of every dog with a fatty diet and sedentary lifestyles.
In North America, prevalence values range from 20% in dogs older than one year up to 80% in dogs older than eight years, based on radiography and clinical setting. Proper and timely diagnosis may have missed the real numbers. NSAIDS drugs are mostly used for therapy but recently there are some selective COX-2 inhibitors (Coxibs) approved for canine OA. Although they relieve the pain temporarily, they have their own side effects. A number of glucosamine /MSM supplements are available for dogs but several reports/studies showed the ineffectiveness of those in the human or in dog population.
Anitrex® is a unique dog chew, proprietary blend that has four unique anti-inflammatory herbs. Anitrex® is clinically tested in a placebo-controlled trial.
Our products are sold across more than 10 countries globally in most popular walk-in retail stores as well as online stores(eTailers).
Write to us about your research requirements in the human or animal health fields and we would be happy to work with you on your goals.